


Remote Conference


July 6th, 2023 | 4.30-5.30 pm



Digital Sustainability

HYVE’s Sustainable Transformers Talk enters the sixth round

Join us for our thought-provoking and informative Sustainable Transformers Talk where we’ll explore the intersection of technology, innovation & sustainability.

Our expert speakers will share insights and strategies for creating a more sustainable digital future. From reducing the carbon footprint of our devices to innovative approaches for e-waste, and ethical technology, this event will cover a range of topics relevant to individuals and organizations alike.

What you can expect:

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, work in innovation or sustainability, or you’re simply curious about how we can create a more sustainable digital future, this talk is for you.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry leaders and connect with others passionate about digital sustainability. Register now and be a part of the movement toward a more sustainable future!

We believe change can only happen when many work towards the same goals. Are you in?

Host and speaker

Rebekka Bogner – Host

HYVE – the innovation company

Rebekka Bogner is an innovation consultant at HYVE. She studied Intercultural & Innovation Management and Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurship. She loves to share, connect and inspire people through events and other interactive formats. Rebekka believes that innovation and entrepreneurship can be powerful forces to make a difference and solve real-world problems. This is what motivates her in her work at HYVE, where she brings her creativity and passion to sustainable projects.

Sebastian Gier – Speaker

Co-Founder & Managing Director at Footprint

Sebastian Gier is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Footprint, the digital climate solution that reduces emissions in record time for digital tech and service companies with artificial and human intelligence. He gained over 20 international design & innovation awards and had the chance to be invited to speak at conferences around the world on design, sustainability and innovation. In the past he has been working with companies such as BMW, Bosch and Harvard University on future digital experiences.

Rainer Karcher – Speaker

Global Head IT Sustainability at Allianz Technology

Rainer Karcher is Global Head IT Sustainability at Allianz Technology since October 2022, ensuring that sustainability is embedded in all their IT services and products, supporting Allianz Technology to achieve its ambitious targets towards a sustainable future. He has more than 25 years of experience in IT at various companies, including IBM, TeleCash/ FirstData, Arvato Systems and at Siemens AG, gaining expertise in various areas such as support, infrastructure, data centers, service operations and IT Sustainability. A climate activist at heart, Rainer calls himself a climate activist in a suit, and the name says it all!

Sustainable HYVE

HYVE believes in the power of sustainable innovation. We love to support companies in all industries to integrate environmentally conscious practices into their ideas, concepts, and products. Together, we innovate for a desirable future.

Be there

Are you wondering what impact digital sustainability has on your business? Are you wondering how to apply social, economic, and environmental stewardship principles to digital products? Perhaps sustainability is even part of your professional profile and you would like to network and exchange ideas with like-minded people?

Our newsletter subscribers are the first to know about upcoming events.

Innovation Manager

You are responsible for innovative initiatives and projects in the company and want to learn from experts.

Digital Transformers

You are a driver of digitization and digital projects.

Product Manager

You are responsible for a sustainable product line and want to consider sustainable components.

CEOs & GMs

You want to find new ways for your teams to be more innovative.

Register for free